3 deHoogs and a Lady

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

When Did You Know Your Mom's Favorite Things?

Do you remember how old you were when you realized that your mom had interests beyond cooking for you, cleaning up after you, and running you from school to swimming to your playdate? I don't remember how old I was when I figured out that horses were my mom's passion. I just seems that I always knew. Well, for Aidan that age is 4. Today while on a very emotional time out, through sobs and tears, my little boy yells out, "Mommy, if you don't get me off this time out, I'm going to take away all your clothes!". This is the part where you have to turn from letting your child see you laughing. This is justs a few short months after Aidan, while trying to talk me into giving in to his wishes, stated,"Mommy, if you let me I'll give you money." "For what Aidan?" "To buy more makeup!". Here's to Aidan and his fashion loving mom! Cheers!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

So our family was one of the many in the lower mainland without power after our storm on wednesday. We have many friends whose power was out longer than ours was. 27 Hours seemed like an eternity with 2 small boys. You really have no idea how much you rely on electronics to get just a bit of peace in your day. All I have to say is thank you God for TV, Xbox and DVDs. It wasn't all bad! We did have some fun and I had an evening to just sit and talk to my husband by candlelight and the fire. No TV or computer. It was lovely! I think we should pretend it's out now and then. "OK family! We're having our monthly power outage night." It just can't be on a night when my favorite shows are on, ok?!

Monday, November 13, 2006

What Goes On In Their Little Heads

I have to start this with an Aidan story. The other day, my boys were playing a pretend game of pirates. Aidan took a short break to go to the bathroom. While in there, he explained to me that he was being a skeleton pirate. He then said,"Mommy, when I don't want to be Aidan I can just pretend to be someone else, right?" Could Hollywood be in the future? Only time will tell.

Ethan is my little rock star with his long hair. A while ago, he said that he would like to get his hair cut like Daddy. I reminded him that daddy's hair is really short, are you sure? "Well, maybe not THAT short" he responds. So he still has long hair making mommy very happy.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I sometimes wonder why God gave me boys. I grew up in a house full of women. A mom and three girls. Mark is the one with all the insight into their little brains. There are days when I am amazed that such small people can be weapons of mass destruction. There is lots of noise and ruckus followed by a thud and then you wait for the cry. Today I was called downstairs to the den and found that Aidan had himself trapped inside a cupboard that has not yet been attatched to the wall by the desk . Ethan has puched so hard on the frosted glass doors that they are now on the opposite side of the little stoppers. With some careful manuevering, I was able to open the doors and save the cupboard... I mean the 4 year old inside. Both boys had been told to leave this piece of furniture alone on more than one occasion, the most recent being about 20 minutes before. They are exhausting and are on high speed until their heads hit the pillow. This is why I have no idea why some parents keep their kids up until 9 or 10 o'clock. It is almost 7:00 now and it is time for my 2 beautiful balls of energy to go to bed and for me to regain my sanity until 7:oo am when we do it all over again.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

1 Move and 2 Costumes Later

So just 3 short days after we moved into our new townhouse,

Halloween was upon us. Ethan had decided that he would be a knight,

which worked out well since his birthday party just over a week before

and he requested a knight theme party. Aidan on the other hand, had a

more unique request for a costume. He wanted to be a fire chicken.

What, you may ask is a fire chicken? Well, it's part chicken - part

fireman of course! Not a new flavour of spicy chicken sandwich at your

favorite fast food joint.

Now, because of the uniqueness of this request, mommy had to get

creative and make this

costume. My mom would have been very proud of me. Mark sure was


It was a beautiful, crisp night as we walked around our neighborhood,

bumping into all our neighbors. It wasn't until the end of our trek that

we came across a house that truely scared our little fire chicken. Poor

little chicken!

Now, I just have to spend more time at the gym working off all the times I dip into their treat bags. Damn chocolate!

Finally a deblog from the deHoogs

Mark and I finally sat down together and created a blog for our family. So here is where you will see all the highs and lows of the deHoogs. Come see us whenever you can.