3 deHoogs and a Lady

Saturday, November 04, 2006

1 Move and 2 Costumes Later

So just 3 short days after we moved into our new townhouse,

Halloween was upon us. Ethan had decided that he would be a knight,

which worked out well since his birthday party just over a week before

and he requested a knight theme party. Aidan on the other hand, had a

more unique request for a costume. He wanted to be a fire chicken.

What, you may ask is a fire chicken? Well, it's part chicken - part

fireman of course! Not a new flavour of spicy chicken sandwich at your

favorite fast food joint.

Now, because of the uniqueness of this request, mommy had to get

creative and make this

costume. My mom would have been very proud of me. Mark sure was


It was a beautiful, crisp night as we walked around our neighborhood,

bumping into all our neighbors. It wasn't until the end of our trek that

we came across a house that truely scared our little fire chicken. Poor

little chicken!

Now, I just have to spend more time at the gym working off all the times I dip into their treat bags. Damn chocolate!


At 12:45 AM, Blogger Renice said...

Hey Mark and Kim, it's been a LONG time - I'm happy I found this blog so we can maybe catch up a bit. I loved seeing pictures of all of you. I couldn't get a good look at your munchkins but they look pretty cute. How old are they now?Hope the move went well. We're in Coquitlam. Check out my blog if you want to see photos of our kids and hear random thoughts that run thru my brain.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Daemshort said...

Hey Kim. Great chicken suit. You look great. Certainly not almost 20 years older. How scary is that. Yeah, twins were a handfull at times but they have always been great kids. Even when they were babes. Right now I have to go and put them to bed. Keep up the blogging I shall keep reading. Deb

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Paul & Wanda Moores said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger elliott5inbc said...

I like it. A fire chicken. Makes comeplete sense to me.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Renice said...

Hey Kim, getting together would be great. email me and we can fiqure something out.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that you have created a family blog-I love that you have a family-I always knew you guys would be the greatest parents-probably because of all the practice we gave you, they are blessed children!
Love you guys, Laura

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Cyriously? said...

I'm so with you about all the DAMN CHOCOLATE!!!

welcome to the obsession...


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