3 deHoogs and a Lady

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The price I paid

Mark and I found a great deal to Disneyland and so we are taking our boys the first week of March. We are keeping it a surprise. So, in the meantime, we have had some things to do to get ready for the trip. One of those things was to get passports for the boys. Now that they have changed the requirements for going into the states, it is a nightmare. Maybe you have seen the lineups at passport offices in the lower mainland and across Canada. Well, now picture me in that lineup. Yesterday I left the house just after 8 am. Once I got there and found parking, it was almost 9 am. I was in that line for 4 1/2 hours. 4 Hours of which was outside. They only take in 10 people at a time. You really get to know the people in line with you. I stood with a woman in her early 40s and 2 older couples. The one woman and myself decided we would be partners so that if one had to use the restroom or grab a bite and a hot drink, the other would hold the place in line. It worked out good. We all talked and laughed for the full 4 hours. We talked about family, travel, world issues and our travel plans. It made the time go by so much faster. I never did get a chance to read the paperback that remained in my bag, or pull out my umbrella (thank goodness). Don't get me wrong, I will use this huge sacrifice in the future. "I stood in line for almost 5 hours so that we could go to Disneyland you know!". I wish I had taken my camera with me, but you will just have to use your imagination.


At 1:28 PM, Blogger bobsbeauties said...

HAHAHHAHHAHA- so now time ticks away to see whether or not you'll get them in time! Oh, and you forgot to complain about the money it costs to get these stupid passports too!! Ahhh, the stories we'll tell when we and they are older! S.

At 2:20 PM, Blogger Renice said...

Hey Kim, nice to hear from you again. I was missing your posts. What a fun suprise. They will be crazy with excitment. When will you tell them? Oooh I'm so excited for you all. I bet they're at a fun age to go. i hope they are tall enough to go on all the rides they want to.
I'm sorry to hear about your long wait. I'm glad it wasn't raining for you and that you were beside some other people that were enjoyable and friendly. It would have been really lame if you were beside foul mouthed chain smokers. Anyways, i can't wait to hear all about your little adventure.

At 5:21 PM, Blogger elliott5inbc said...

ohhh...have fun...the boys are going to FREAK OUT!!!! very cool!

At 3:07 PM, Blogger Megan said...

Oh how fun and exciting! The boys will loove it ... and I"m sure that one day they'll understand the sacrifices that you've made for them!

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Daemshort said...

Nice, I can't say I would have the patience to stand that long. It does however make it nicer with company. Hope you have an awesome time. Those little boys are lucky. Have a great time/ Deb

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Cyriously? said...

Passports. Such a pain. But YAY! Disneyland! Is it still the happiest place on Earth?

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Renice said...

Kim, I'm dying to hear about your trip and how the boys liked the surprise. Get posting some pictures and fun stories of your trip!!

At 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Kim:

I know all about passports. I am on the other end though I am now living in the states. Although I have a permanent resident card, I am still unsure where or if I need a passport. One place says yes I do need one from canada the next says No!

Disneyland is great! Would love to see your pictures.

Nice to see how you are doing!

Ang Gallagher/Rasmussen


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