Do you join in the New Year's resolutions? I've been thinking this year that I would write a resolutions/life list for 2007. Here it is:
1. Be more proactive in getting together with friends.
2. Have someone over for dinner at least once every 2 weeks. (That way my house will get really clean at least that often)
3. Find a way to teach the men in my life that the entryway closet is a friendly thing, not to be afraid to open and put in your shoes and coat.
4. Get back to the gym as I got pretty lazy over the holidays.
5. Plan a family trip for 2007
6. Laugh more.
7. Pray more.
8. Read more.
9. Date my husband more often.
10. Get more creative on days Mark and I have off together to have family adventure days.
Hope your next year if full of wonderful memories and interesting life lessons. Salut!