3 deHoogs and a Lady

Sunday, November 19, 2006

So our family was one of the many in the lower mainland without power after our storm on wednesday. We have many friends whose power was out longer than ours was. 27 Hours seemed like an eternity with 2 small boys. You really have no idea how much you rely on electronics to get just a bit of peace in your day. All I have to say is thank you God for TV, Xbox and DVDs. It wasn't all bad! We did have some fun and I had an evening to just sit and talk to my husband by candlelight and the fire. No TV or computer. It was lovely! I think we should pretend it's out now and then. "OK family! We're having our monthly power outage night." It just can't be on a night when my favorite shows are on, ok?!


At 10:14 AM, Blogger The Meier's said...

Glad you guys made it through this experience unharmed. I can't imagine going with no power for that long. Way to go deHoogs! I really like the idea of a monthly power outage night! I may bring taht into the Meier household too...

At 1:23 PM, Blogger thesieberts said...

yea that storm must have been very large. There were SO many without power. Glad you made it through it!

At 7:55 PM, Blogger bobsbeauties said...

This is the coolest way to catch up on your life and I love it! We too were powerless for some time and lucky it was my neighbour that got the tree through their roof, not us.....again! I agree that a power outage night is a great idea as we played UNO by candlelight with the girls and really had a good time!!
Oh by the way....just wait till their 13, the 7pm thing doesn't work so well anymore!!! Love ya!


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