3 deHoogs and a Lady

Thursday, November 09, 2006

I sometimes wonder why God gave me boys. I grew up in a house full of women. A mom and three girls. Mark is the one with all the insight into their little brains. There are days when I am amazed that such small people can be weapons of mass destruction. There is lots of noise and ruckus followed by a thud and then you wait for the cry. Today I was called downstairs to the den and found that Aidan had himself trapped inside a cupboard that has not yet been attatched to the wall by the desk . Ethan has puched so hard on the frosted glass doors that they are now on the opposite side of the little stoppers. With some careful manuevering, I was able to open the doors and save the cupboard... I mean the 4 year old inside. Both boys had been told to leave this piece of furniture alone on more than one occasion, the most recent being about 20 minutes before. They are exhausting and are on high speed until their heads hit the pillow. This is why I have no idea why some parents keep their kids up until 9 or 10 o'clock. It is almost 7:00 now and it is time for my 2 beautiful balls of energy to go to bed and for me to regain my sanity until 7:oo am when we do it all over again.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger 3to1...outnumbered said...

Matty, you know that you can come hang out here anytime you please. You don't need an invite. Just call and say "you guys home tonight?". If the answer is yes, come on over.


At 2:31 PM, Blogger elliott5inbc said...

Girls or boys...I love 7 p.m. I sometimes hear the 'hallelujah' chourus playing.....

At 3:48 PM, Blogger thesieberts said...

KIM!!!! YAY!!!! Welcome to blogland! K, so I've totally been thinking about ya lots lately...missing the shopping, tea cafes and all that fun stuff. Mark gave me your email a while back and I had been plannng on emailing you to say "hey! whats up" but as life would have it, um I haven't yet. keyword: yet. lol Anyway, very exciting to see you on here.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Renice said...

Hey Mark and Kim, Happy Anniversary!
it is Nov 12th right? I was thinking about it yesterday and right then that Steven Curtis Chapman song came on the radio. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you guys today! Hope you have a fun date planned!


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